在开发麻辣GIS的时候需要实现一个滚动跟随的效果,写得自己脱了一层皮,各种计算,不过好歹实现了。最近把个人博客也想加上这个效果,不想再重复造一次轮子。于是发现了这个:sutara79/jquery.simple-scroll-follow 尝试使用了一个发现还不错,比自己重新写一次要好得多。不过有些效果还是自己手动调教。 Demo 本站右侧的广告就是了,但触底的效果还是有点问题,等我搞定了再来总结一下。Inject jQuery into Any Webpage
Even MVVM framework is more and more popular in the web front developments, but the strength of jQuery cannot be replaceable. Sometimes, we need the jQuery’s useful APIs to achieve some complex actions, but many webpages give up jQuery, so some skills is needed to inject the jQuery into the webpages which had abandon the jQuery library.
继续阅读jQuery $.ajax Method Ignored the Undefined Values
Recently, I used jQuery to get the data from the server client via $.ajax method. As we known that, we should send the request with some parameters. The code as follow. $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ url:'', data:{ para1 : 1, para2 : 2, para3 : undefined }, success:function(data){ alert(data); }, }); }); According to Chrome DevTools, I get the result: Yep, jQuery is smart, it can ignore the undefined values and avoid a lot of server errors. 继续阅读Useful jQuery .eq() method
I want to mark a specific li
tag in the ul
, the HTML code is like this:
前文 关于CSS中box-sizing属性的一点心得 中介绍了关于box-sizing 并顺带写了一下盒模型,突发奇想了一个问题:使用 JavaScript 和 jQuery 获取的宽度是盒模型中的哪一部分的宽和高呢?